Of course, the grandaddy of all when it comes to integer scaling is Game Boy Advance, which . You are using an out of date browser. This will create a border which I believe gives you the correct aspect ratio (but not in fullscreen). May I add your pictures to the answer? Wtf. These pixels have been averaged out as a medium gray. The options refer to color depth, device, resolution, and refresh rate. It sounds like the easiest thing for you to do is just use the standalone MAME for Arcade, and just use Retroarch for everything else. Firstly, the stretching isn't done in the vertical direction: Game Boy (and Color) games only used 144 rows of the 160 available on Advance screen, so there'd be black "letterbox" bars at the top and bottom, whether you stretched the image widescreen (with the shoulder buttons) or not. On the right side of the "A", another column of interpolated pixels has ended up in between the two columns of dark pixels. Click on System. privacy statement. Upload or insert images from URL. Very odd but change it to that. Remove your cores and redownload them, that will fix it. Actual behavior. Since you can't check the width of the container with just CSS or divide by a percentage is CSS, this is not possible without . All games or just Pokemon Emerald? Then just reduce your system resolution to increase the size of Visualboy Advanced to be as close to full screen as possible. Copyright Unbroken Software, LLC 2022. Dec 23, 2005. I guess if you did want a metric you could work with you could talk in terms of the number of distinct standalone elements. Here, you can enter the shortcut key for this option. retrojoshvc, Retrocomputing Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for vintage-computer hobbyists interested in restoring, preserving, and using the classic computer and gaming systems of yesteryear. Under the "Scale & layout" section, select the Scale setting . Including screen size. If you want to be weird about it, you could also claim that the 3DS has a 10:3 ratio (800 x 240). For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This is the code that I wrote: Public Sub Macro15 () Dim picname As String Dim shp As Shape Dim present As String Sheets ("Country Profile").Activate Sheets ("Country Profile").Select ActiveSheet.Pictures.Delete Cells (19, 40).Select 'This is . Are there any emulators out there that output GBA screens in a 4:3 aspect ratio (256x224 pixels), rather than their usual 3:2 (240x160 pixels)? Is there a resource that I could learn more about this? The actual screen has a ratio of 5:3. so everything appears to be slightly "squashed" horizontally. Posted August 20, 2017. I hate half of youespecially the dumb ones. I have previously used emulators on a tablet and had them look fine blown up and am really confused as to why it is so difficult to get them working properly now. It may not display this or other websites correctly. What is aspect ratio? Go back to the Quick Menu, then select On-Screen Overlay > Overlay Preset. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Have a question about this project? And you are not wrong, man. Click the Display page on the right side. Get emulator here: http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/gba/vboyadvance.html(VBA-M 2.0.0-beta2 )Best Quality VisualBoyAdvance Emulator Settings For PCHow to play Gameboy game boy games on pc emulator VBA Visual boy advance in full screen tutorial pokemonIn this video I show you the best settings for visual boy advance emulator for pc, i personally like these settings better than initial ones but i guess its very subjective, you can try out different settings for yourself and tell me what works best for you as well. By NES and SNES are simply perfect, the pixel aspect ratio is superbly correct and . Thank you so much for the reply and consideration! This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. If OpenEmu's aspect truly matched the GBA's 3:2 screen, there would be 3 full squares horizontally, and 2 full squares vertically. It's usually written as two numbers separated by a colon, as in 16:9. The black bars/cutting off of your image is caused by the fact that the image is trying to preserve its aspect ratio due to using aspect ratio fitter. It's not always feasible to double the resolution of your screen; it's likely that such a resolution wasn't available (or affordable) in a handheld size at the time of the Advance. I expect the person using the VM will go fullscreen. By default, all of the emulators (other than for the PSP and Nintendo DS) are configured to 1.50 (3:2) aspect ratio, to take up the full screen. Make rapid progres! Parabolic, suborbital and ballistic trajectories all follow elliptic paths. 10. Example 1: Netflix's go-to aspect ratios are 16:9 and 2:1. privacy statement. If you are using a BIOS file, please say which one. https://github.com/OpenEmu/OpenEmu/wiki/Beta-Test-Notes, https://github.com/OpenEmu/OpenEmu/wiki/Compiling-From-Source-Guide. Better yet, rebuild OE from source since things have changed quite a bit. You must log in or register to reply here. This is just my first go-around with Launchbox and evenRetroarch (outside of making a few Raspberry Pi builds in the past), so I'm learning as I go. 4. Interesting stuff. Please reopen this issue. 5. 16:9 = 1.777777777778. 566), Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. Win7, using tagged release of 931fda4. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Horizontally, the image is definitely stretched. You can post now and register later. Regardless, I will do so tonight and report back as to whether or not it resolves the issue. Is there a generic term for these trajectories? Well occasionally send you account related emails. I have seen Game Gear emulators do this (like an on-the-fly GG to SMS conversion) and I've seen BSNES do this with a 16:9 SNES output. Rabbit Hash Restaurant; Famous Sports Commentary Quotes Uk; Over The Counter Antibiotics For Tooth Infection Walmart; 365 Curcumin Korea; Pay Barnsley Council Tax; Need Help with Ascept Ration in Visual Boy Advance. . Changing to standalone emulators for all the systems Retroarch does, in order to still use MAME in retroarch seems a strange way around of doing things to me. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Oh interesting. Sorted by: 1. It's an unfortunate house of cards type of configuration that I'm afraid to mess with any further out of fear I'll destroy the whole thing, lol. Pasted as rich text. It can also be written with an "x" between the numbers. This screenshot is from VBA-M which doesnt support the game anymore. The downside to running in a small window is that the graphics and text may appear difficult to read . Post author: Post published: June 10, 2022; Post category: why does mayella begin to cry the first time? aafb commissary hours Informacin del curso keyboard_arrow_down Informacin del curso keyboard_arrow_down ', referring to the nuclear power plant in Ignalina, mean? But as you can see, the 3rd square gets cut off, meaning that the screen is being squashed in horizontally. Birmingham. You were meant to wipe out any old cores in ~/Library/Application Support/OpenEmu/Cores before using the new beta. Emulator always starts with same window size, regardless of previous size and the top of the GBA screen is cut off. anti caking agent 341 vegan; never shout never allegations; michigan ean number search; iready diagnostic scores 2020 6th grade; . I'm not sure you could call the G&W's setup a 'resolution', given the 'graphics' are dependent on how the LCD was fashioned. Privacy Policy. At this point, I'm willing to lose pause menu options in favor of simply an emulator that remains fullscreen with few issues. What's the most energy-efficient way to run a boiler? Cookie Notice Generating points along line with specifying the origin of point generation in QGIS, one or more moons orbitting around a double planet system. Unfortunately, your content contains terms that we do not allow. @Tommy You're both right. rev2023.5.1.43405. It's rather slow though so you will have some frameskip. I found one Retroarch core that doubled the GBA resolution to 480x320 (actual resolution increase, not just a 2x size), but I haven't seen any that try to increase the visible space of what you can see. I'm happy to provide anymore information to get this resolved. Im a big fan of the 3:2 ratio my Surface Pro devices use. to your account. One reason is that interpolating in one dimension is a lot simpler than doing it in two. You could double up some of the original columns' pixels, doubling the "width" of all the odd columns, or perhaps the even ones. Here is pair of pictures from another game, taken on the AGS-101 model of the Advance SP (which has a brighter, backlit screen). I have VisualBoyAdvance-M v 2.0.0, and under Options > Video there is only a "Select fullscreen mode" option here and it does not allow you to auto-start in fullscreen, nor open games in fullscreen. Will VisualBoyAdvance do full screen with open GL or dirrect 32? I never said that 'issue' wasn't going to get fixed. How do you remove an LCD bubble on an unmodified Game Boy? Press B to go back to the Video settings, and make sure that Bilinear Filtering and RGA Scaling are OFF. Beginning with a 0.78 romset, finding there were games that I wanted that weren't working when that romset was created, then bastardizing my collection with various roms and toying with different cores until everything just seemed to work. Does a password policy with a restriction of repeated characters increase security? 16 is a factor of 160, so the interpolated rows could be spaced evenly: one every 10 rows. I spent waaaayyyy too much time configuring mame in Retroarch before deciding on this control panel + joypad configuration. When I post wii games at 720p, they have vertical bars on the left and right, but they're not very large. #4. god_at_hell said: You can use VisualBoy Advance. . I've managed to find my macro lens adapter, and have replaced my original pictures, but your AGS-101's screen is miles crisper than my bog standard Advance. In March 2017, an announcement was made that two Android devices the Samsung Galaxy S8 and the LG G6 were being introduced with new, longer, screen aspect ratios of 18:9 and 18.5:9.. I found KIGB works well for all GB systems except the Gameboy Advance. This signature is an illusion and is a trap devisut by Satan. The 3DS truly was the most powerful system of its generation. Aspect ratio full screen image. To keep the aspect ratio, you would need to divide the height by the desired aspect ratio. Horizontally, the image is definitely stretched. I only have nvida boards. @n00neimp0rtant: I'm not getting this at all: Does it happen with all cores or just VBA? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. But what I want is a screen like this (the original ascept ration. Consider using 2x VBA size or 3x VBA size to find the perfect size. So, worst case scenario, I may scrap GBA from this setup until some point in the future. Error: Invalid hotkey. Resizing window solves it until emulator is closed again. http://bit.ly/SupportZMWith new emulator comes extra power, higher quality settings, more recording friendly options, full screen options and many more You are using an out of date browser. Logged. @n00neimp0rtant after doing some checking, I've determined that you didn't follow the b10 directions that also went out with test builds. So how does the actual stretching occur? Error: Invalid hotkey. I found KIGB works well for all GB systems except the Gameboy Advance. What were the most popular text editors for MS-DOS in the 1980s? I made a companion image to show that it is, in fact, squashed. You are using an out of date browser. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. If you mean the gine wrapped gpsp, then you can select 3:2 scaled from menu. .. Really interesting - from what I remember, NoE actually marketed the GBA as "widescreen". Ah, quite right the Gen V Pokemon games are the ones that come up most frequently, come to think of it. To get the correct height for the container, you would need to divide the current width by 1.777777777778. Is it possible to alter the Game Boy Advance system ROM? The emulator can stretch the image to fullscreen. The others seem to grey out the 320/640/800 fullscreen options. I tried the AHK, but unfortunately received this error: Line Text: T >> ESC = Screen appears to be cut in half in fullscreen if aspect ratio fix is enabled with OpenGL. Fullscreen should work fine with OpenGL and aspect ratio fix enabled. Now, scroll through the list on the left side of the screen and find "OptionsVideoFullScreen". Are there any emulators out there that output GBA screens in a 4:3 aspect ratio (256x224 pixels), rather than their usual 3:2 (240x160 pixels)? I am trying to use virtual boy advance. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Guide here: https://github.com/OpenEmu/OpenEmu/wiki/Compiling-From-Source-Guide. Is there an obstruction to emulating Gameboy link cable over Wi-Fi? It defines its overall shape, and it is usually presented as W:H (where W is the width, and H is the height). Sign in Else: no. As you can see from your screenshot, the emulator displays something in widescreen. We want to create an inspiring environment for our members and have defined a set of guidelines. Can't believe I've never thought about it until now. Thanks for sharing it. Lots of people disagree with me, however. It's also used on computer LCD displays, if you select a resolution (e.g. @clobber: I got that idea from the fact that the issue was closed and tagged as "Invalid.". You signed in with another tab or window. Very interesting. If Nintendo had decided to stretch the 144 rows of pixels over the 160 rows available on the Advance's screen, they would have had to insert 16 interpolated rows of pixels. Defining extended TQFTs *with point, line, surface, operators*, Ubuntu won't accept my choice of password. Yeesh. Page created in 0.109 seconds with 20 queries. I believe when you use the controller automation in Launchbox it sends Escape which is why you see it dropping out of fullscreen when you use it. Actually the Game Boy Advance screen has a 3:2 aspect ratio, which it is what it is set to in OE. CSS aspect ratio 100vw OR 100vh depending on window size. A color picker window will open after you click one of these boxes. Have a great day! Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I took a quick look at the latest version on their sourceforge download and in the config file there was a fullscreen flag which you can set to 1. But then you have Shovel Knight which was on 3DS but managed to completely fill the 16:9 screens on the other platforms! The emulator can stretch the image to fullscreen. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Why did Nintendo choose to stretch the Game Boy display in one direction, and not the other? We are aware that pixels get 'squashed' in the main window because the current main window behavior is to fill the pixels to the dimensions that the user has sized the window. I gave VisualBoyAdvance Link v. 1.8.0 a shot as well, but unable to find an option that helps. With . I've also tried the original VisualBoyAdvance v 1.8.0-beta 3. maybe THIS will help you.Works fine on my TV. I can get you a screenshot later today (I am at work now). The two screens have different aspect ratios, so i think that's why the letterbox format on nds. What is the protocol for bootstrapping a Game Boy Advance over a link cable? GBA is 240 160 pixels (3:2 aspect ratio) which @PGGB noted we have. that matches the resolution you are using in the game. The average of two dark pixels is also dark, so it is the same colour as the rest of the "A". I faced a game ending glitch T_T) -. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Here are some screenshots I took: javelinface April 7, 2020, 1:37am 2. When was the Game Boy Pocket released in Europe? [*1] In this instance, rather than choosing to duplicate one column to fill the empty pixels, you take an average of the values in the columns to the left and the right of each empty pixel, and use this calculated value instead. http://bit.ly/SubscribeZMT Support me on Patreon if you wish! You must log in or register to reply here. Different gpu's use a slightly different term and location in the gpu's Control Panel. The black bars waste a little screen real-estate, but warping the entire image is unwatchable, imo. I am using the beta that was sent out at the end of last month (March 2013). Keep in mind, this is changing it globally across . Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Hello all, just looking to see if anyone has an answer to a problem I've had. In Snes9X4P Emulator Where Are The Roms Supposed To Go. so you will have some frameskip. Here is a screenshot I took of the window. On top of your comments about lack of vertical stretching, it would require a large buffer, since scanning out of lines is synchronous with respect to the game. visual boy advance full screen aspect ratioandrew marks hedge fund. Fullscreen with VisualBoyAdvance only works with dirrectdraw. (Ep. Because Game Boy and Game Boy Advance games run in a very low resolution, it is not recommended to run the game in full screen. Follow directions and try it again: https://github.com/OpenEmu/OpenEmu/wiki/Beta-Test-Notes. Was this step helpful? The stand alone is fine but if you use Retroarch at all use the mGBA core. I have seen Game Gear emulators do this (like an on-the-fly GG to SMS conversion) and I've seen BSNES do this with a 16:9 SNES output. If I use the Max res option It basicaly does nothing. So, for Gameboy and various nintendo handhelds, VisualBoyAdvance-M is the recommended emulator, but unfortunately I am having great difficulty finding a way to make this program open in fullscreen and stay that way. Does this exist? this issue can be closed I think. The aspect ratio is the ratio between the width and the height of a display. I think the game boy is actually close to a square, using a 10:9 ratio. When AI meets IP: Can artists sue AI imitators? It's a simple method, but doesn't look that good, because some columns won't be doubled at all, but others will. Is this just a result of blowing up the image on to a large screen, or is there a way to make the games run full screen and still look like they originally did? The options refer to color depth, device, resolution, and refresh rate. Aspect ratio is the relationship between width and height of an image. Is it possible that remnants from old versions of OpenEmu could be causing this? Need Help with Ascept Ration in Visual Boy Advance, Scan this QR code to download the app now. How did the Game Boy Advance stretch Game Boy games to widescreen? No matter what, the picture will be always stretch to 4:3, since we are all using 4:3 PC monitors. 2x, 3x, etc.) Also occurs on Win10 using the same build. The Game Boy Advance's screen ratio is locked to 4:3. the spice house vs penzeys politics; driving distance from vancouver bc to cranbrook bc. Some one pease fill me in on this. Also, I hope this is the right section to be asking! Not in the same way you might see various 3d based systems do it wherein overlays (usually UI or some kind of shadow effect) and the odd bit of logic or whatever viewport rendering/backface culling are the main things to cause the would be widescreen/resolution bump mod some fun. But because the GBA only stretches the display in one dimension (horizontally), it only needs to do a simpler linear interpolation of the image. I'm trying to play Adventure Red Chapter on Visual Boy Advance but I end up with a stretched full screen like this -. It seems there are quite a few new "widescreen" patches for DS games running in TWiLight Menu on the 3DS, so I might expect making similar to be feasible for GBA games but I haven't heard of them. to your account. The long story is that I began my Launchbox adventure attempting to build a system simply with Retroarch, but when I decided I wanted arcade games to play with an arcade control panel but have console and handheld games control with joypads, I found it difficult (if not impossible) to configure it in a way that would see various cores use various controllers in the Player 1 position. Gba Emulator That You Can Adjust The Screen Size. If OpenEmu's aspect truly matched the GBA's 3:2 screen, there would be 3 full squares . Start a new thread to share your experiences with like-minded people. But stretching the screen vertically would also have created unsightly visual artefacts in the game. The guest needs to run at 800x600, the host has a 16:9 display. You can use VisualBoy Advance. Firstly, the stretching isn't done in the vertical direction: Game Boy (and Color) games only used 144 rows of the 160 available on Advance screen, so there'd be black "letterbox" bars at the top and bottom, whether you stretched the image widescreen (with the shoulder buttons) or not. That emulator is not slow,it's full speed with excellent sound,don't use framsskip set it back to default settings and set the cpu to 900mhz,by . July 9, 2019 in Emulation. Video driver (simple . I honestly liked the 3DS's display ratio. What should I follow, if two altimeters show different altitudes? . This AHK will make Escape key act as Alt+F4. It may not display this or other websites correctly. 3:2 is a ratio I recognize these days from Surface products that made the switch to 3:2 starting with the Surface Pro 3. Visual Boy Advance allows you to play ROMs, or digital images, of games for either system on your computer. Case in point every version of Bloodstained Curse of the Moon (PC, PS4, XB1, switch, Vita) has to suffer from black pillar sbecause of the 3DS aspect ratio. At this point, I'm willing to lose pause menu options in favor of simply an emulator that remains fullscreen with few issues. @Kaz I couldn't tell from your photos so I took my own and once again you are correct. visual boy advance full screen aspect ratio. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? It may not display this or other websites correctly. This would result in Mario's hat stretching and compressing slightly as he jumped, for example, and would be distracting for the player. That's a super cool observation, thanks for sharing, OP! JavaScript is disabled. Sorry, again, for my stupidity, hopefully somehow I'll find a way to actually contribute to this awesome community! Member. This screenshot is from VBA-M which doesnt support the game anymore. Can someone tell me how to get the desired ratio on VBA? I'm new to Launchbox and trying to put something together for a friend. Some post i found with actual measurements: "GBA SP screen: 2 and 7/16" wide 1 and 10/16" high DS screens: 2 and 6/16" wide 1 and 12/16" high They are damn near the same size, the DS being 1/16" less wide, and 2/16" taller. I do not use this emulator so not sure if what I have isold or the latest version. I'm running the compiled version of the repo but I'm quite sure nothing related to that code changed since b10. 11.3k. . Stretching isn't done in the vertical direction, so Kaz is correct on that. Example: Steps to reproduce the behavior. Started by PowerPanda, March 01, 2021, 08:37:29 PM. Have a question about this project? Did the Super Game Boy (1) run 2.5% or 4% faster than a Game Boy? Edit: Funny enough, I just remembered the first few iPhones also had the same 3:2 aspect ratio the GBA used . Thanks for anyone's time or recommendations. I'm desperate for a "start in fullscreen" checkbox at this point, haha! And here is a screen I took from a GBA game running in OE's popout window (which I suggested you run your games in) at 1x rez: The pixels inside that View counting the the 1px window borders (which currently overlap the screen) are 240 160, Now what aspect ratio is 240x160 again? Some one pease fill me in on this. And what is the resolution/aspect ratio of the Wii U gamepad? Well occasionally send you account related emails. Not at all. . Contenido. Archived post. Thanks for choosing VisiHow! Is there an GBA emulator for the Pandora that you can adjust the screen size to make it bigger not like the yoshis_pandora_emulator_pack_v06. As far as I noticed, the emulator stretches the image filling up the screen - breaking the correct pixels aspect ratio. I've tried exiting a game in fullscreenwith alt+f4, and although this causes the next game to open in fullscreen - once you escape from a game in Launchbox, you're back to a small window. Posts: 456. March 01, 2021, 08:37:29 PM. It could be great to have the screen running on a real size, and also, to get the 240p support (for CRT 480i TVs) just like NES and SNES have. Assuming you're using mGba, if you go in the settings>video>scaling within Retroarch, you can change the aspect ratio. In this video I show you the best settings for visual boy advance m emulator for PC, although I show you around different settings and different vba emulator. Also tried BatGBA 2.24b, but found no permanent fullscreen option. VisualBoyAdvance-M and starting it in fullscreen, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wuGiwg8I5QqulDncQvGBZP83BVDSXpbSOzdYqDrsCxI/edit#gid=1650496698. The XL's top screen is quite big without being too wide. I will change the black areas of the background to green. Yes | No | I need help. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I have VisualBoyAdvance-M v 2.0.0, and under Options > Video there is only a "Select fullscreen mode" option here and it does not allow you to auto-start in fullscreen, nor open games in fullscreen. Does Game Boy Color have *perfect* simulation of original Game Boy games? You cannot paste images directly. As a result, some rows would be "stretched" out by the interpolation, others wouldn't. I've tried using -f-4, and even grasping at straws and using -fullscreen and suchwithin command line parameters, but this simply gives me an error. You are a king, sir, and I'm an idiot. Example 2: Facebook supports 16:9, 9:16, 4:5, 2:3, & 1:1. Every two columns of pixels from an old Game Boy game will now need to be "stretched" over three columns of the Advance's screen. The options refer to color depth, device, resolution, and refresh rate. Some fun facts about the ratios in this thread: The next Nintendo handheld will probably keep the 16:9 ratio if it's another hybrid. . We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. but back around when the 3DS was released it was pretty common for mid to high end Android smartphones to have 5:3 aspect ratio screens, typically running at 800x480. The original gameboy, GBP and GBC all had screen resolutions of 160x144[1] while the Game Boy Advanced had a resolution of 240x160[2]. Not a lot these days, but back around when the 3DS was released it was pretty common for mid to high end Android smartphones to have 5:3 aspect ratio screens, typically running at 800x480. Version 2.1.3 I downloaded it when I made the last post, took about a minute to set up and works fine in Launchbox. OpenGL Aspect ratio broken during fullscreen (Screen is cut off), better fix for clipped video in GL fullscreen, from negativeExponent/add_color_and_interframe, Load any GB or GBA game (GB is more affected than GBA). Similar interpolations are visible on the left and right sides of the "Y", and elsewhere on the screen. You signed in with another tab or window. Comparison to some other historical handhelds: Meanwhile every MacBook in history apart from the 11" Air has had a 16:10 ratio. hey guys just a short (very short) video showing you how to change the size of the window on your gameboy emulator drop a like or a comment hope you enjoyeds. :D. 16:9 is such a questionable standard that I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo changes it again with the next family. All TVs sold today have an aspect ratio of 16:9, which means that if the width is divided into 16 equal parts, the height of the TV or picture should be 9 . Not sure where you got that from. @PGGB: This is very strange. This has been a VisiHow tutorial on how to change the window size in the VisualBoyAdvance emulator. last night's tv viewing figures, how to accept transferred tickets on ticketmaster, why are border patrol checkpoints closed 2021,
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